Thursday, February 4, 2010

Naledi Child Development Center, Soweto, South Africa

Bethany First Church is embarking on two focused initiatives starting in 2010 and the future years of their partnership with Swaziland. The first is partnering with Nazarene churches and institutions to reduce the HIV infection rate in the country, through the wide sphere of influence the Nazarene church already has. The second is to partner with these same groups to support the care of the growing number of children left orphaned and vulnerable in the wake of the AIDs pandemic. It is estimated that now there are at least 15,000 households in Swaziland which are headed by children because there is no adult left in the home. It is projected that by 2012 Swaziland will have an orphan population of 200,000 – a full fifth (20%) of their national population. In light of these staggering statistics, Bethany First Church is looking for ways it they can support those people and groups who are caring for this growing orphan population.

Last week, Barbi Moore (Director of Global Outreach for BFC) was with us in country and we traveled throughout Swaziland and Johannesburg on a fact-finding mission regarding these two areas. We looked at what is already being done, what needs to be done, and most importantly, what our Swazi leaders want to do in the face of this present crisis.

Some of our meetings were with regional leadership in Johannesburg. As we learned about the Child Development Centers sponsored through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, we were curious to see this comprehensive model in action. Faith, the director of the Child Development program invited us to tour one of the Child Development Centers in Soweto.

Driving through Soweto was an experience in itself as we had never been to this remnant of one of the largest townships in South Africa. The number of people everywhere was like being in the middle of New York City at rush hour! We arrived at the Naledi Church of the Nazarene and were greeted by Pastor Pule and Thandi, the Coordinator for this Child Development Center. We talked for half an hour as they shared how God had led their church to become the literal “FAMILY” of God to the children in their community that no longer have earthly family. Once we were finished sharing together they led us to see the Child Development Center in action. We met a GoGo (Grandma) that has taken up the call of God to cook for these children each day. She also takes on many other responsibilities for these 40 plus kids.

As we moved from the kitchen to the sanctuary we saw that the worship room had been transitioned into a learning center with children in different age groups who were getting help on their homework and even being instructed in some cases by teenagers who used to be children cared for by this Child Development Center.
I will never forget what was said by Thandi when we asked her what she would say to anyone considering starting this type of program in their church. She said “you only need passion for these children.” She went on to say that there are many days she finds herself doing things that she may not be equipped for, but it is in those days that the passion that God has given her for these kids sustains her.

As you read this post please..

- Pray for those in Africa who are leading the way with their churches and creating the “family of God” in their communities for children who have little or no family left through these Child Development Centers
- Look for opportunities to pray for, affirm, and support those children that you know that are in need.
- Ask God to give you the strength to use what you do have as a platform for God’s Passion to sustain you and help you do something new.

To see more information on the Child Development Centers and Child Sponsorship through Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, visit:

1 comment:

  1. We continue to pray for you, your passion, love and willingness to serve Christ among this preciou people. God Bless you!
