Monday, July 27, 2009

Richard's Bay, South Africa

Today we greet you from Richard's Bay, on the east coast South Africa, also known as Kwazulu/Natal. We are here for a few days with the VanderWal family of The Luke Comission, and their team of nurses from Cedarville University. For the first time we saw and were in (Brent more than Michaele) the Indian Ocean. It is a beautiful beach, as you can tell -- and the water was a bit cold, so it really did take my breath away!

We return to Swaziland Tuesday evening in time to greet Barbi Moore and her assistant Pat Burton on their arrival Wednesday morning. The rest of this week and the next will be full of pre-team meetings and preparations. The GO Team from Bethany First Church, along with some from the Central Canada District, will arrive on August 8 in Swaziland. This group of 60 people is comprised of a medical team, an educational team, a compassion team, and a construction team. We will share with you the details of their plans and activities -- there will be much going on while they are here!

This week please continue to pray with us for:

  • Health and safety of Barbi and Pat as they travel

  • Health and safety for all of us as we travel back to Swaziland (about a 4 hour drive)

  • The pre-team meetings and plans that need to be finalized

  • That God would accomplish amazing things in and through the GO Team while they are here!


  1. my beach is better, but whatever :) I miss you guys

  2. Suuuuure... You come to the Indian Ocean and THEN tell me it's better than the Pacific!

  3. Ryan came over to visit Keven. When he saw this picture on your blog he said, "Sweet!".
    Keven misses you...we pray for you.
